Monday, September 13, 2010

P.8 Scribe Post 9-13-10

Today in class, the first thing we talked about was the oil spill project. For Tuesday, we need to have 10 pictures total, 5 general about the oil spill, and 5 in depth on the topic you want to research. On Tuesday we are going to the IMC to work on the project with our partners.

Next, we watched a video on leemings and their population/ environment. We sa
w how they kept together in groups and how their population increased and decreased. It increased when they reproduced and it decreased when there wasn't enough food. After this, we talked/took notes on community interactions.
Exponential Growth Curve

-Predation: when an organism kills and feeds on a different one.
-Symbiosis: organisms "living together"
-Mutualism: Both animals benefit
- Commensalism: one benefits and the other is not harmed.
- Parasitism: One organism benefits while one is harmed.

Next, we talked about exponential growth curves and logistic growth curves. The big difference between them is that the exponential is constantly rising while the logistic only rises to a point and then stops.

Lastly, we had time to work on pages 35-41 in the UP ecology packet.

Homework: Make SURE you have your oil spill pictures ready on your student email account.

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