Wednesday, November 3, 2010

ScribePost 10/29/10

Hello fellow classmates

Just to let you know, this scribepost is from last week so don't get it confused with this weeks.

We started class with a Disease For The Day!!!

It was Schistosomiasis. The agent for disease is a worm parasite.

Schistosomiasis causes over 1 million deaths per year in the world. The parasite lives in a snail. It is treated with antiparasitic drugs. A result of the disease is death and an enlarged stomach.

The Lab

The lab starts on pages 13 in the unit packet and ends on page 18. The lab was to swab any three places in the classroom any transfer that area by putting it on a petri dish with a kind of geletin that would keep the bacteria on the dish. Once we did that we were done with that part of the lab, because we had to put the bacteria cultures into an incubator which is sort of like an oven but it only goes up to a certain temperature that the bacteria thrives at. The next part of the lab was to swab another petri dish with broth culture of peppercorn bacteria, and then put a paper disk as the control in one quadrant, and three antibiotic disks in three seperate quadrants. And then Mr. Paek put the petri dish for each group into the incubator.

Homework: None!!!

It would be a good idea to read section 20.3 but you do not have to take notes on it.

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