Tuesday, October 26, 2010

10/26/10 Scribe Post

Today's Homework:
Quiz on Thursday on 20.1 and 20.2

Today we received a worksheet called "Current Infectious Diseases-Disease of The Day," it is to be filled out daily with the notes. Today's disease is Aids.
Viral Infections
-H.I.V. is a virus
-When T-cells drop down too low, you have Aids.
-Viruses work like this:
=A virus is introduced to the body.
=The virus binds to specific proteins on the cell's surface
=The virus injects it's DNA into the cell
=one of these viral infections occur:
I.Lytic Infection- The DNA replicates quickly in the host cell and the cell explodes
II.Lysogenic Infection- The DNA replicates slowly and discretely, like guerrilla warfare

We also watched this video in class, I found it to be very helpful. Also, notice the way he says phage.

After the video we watched a movie about viruses, particularly influenza. I took these notes.

-Viruses are old and patient
-Some wait for centuries
-A viruses only purpose is to reproduce
-There are 7 different kinds of herpes and odds are you've had at least one kind before
-Viruses look like ornaments from an alien Christmas tree.
-Viruses are mostly packages of DNA
- They act like parasites on cells.
-Viral DNA hijacks cells and makes them produce more viral DNA
-Tons of cells are made in this ^ process
-During the Influenza pandemic of 1918 roughly 20 million people died
-Influenza killed more than WWI
-Influenza spread thanks to WWI and got all over Europe and America
-People used crazy methods of protection from the flu, it didn't work
-The word "Vaccine" came from "Vaccinia" or Cow Pox
-A doctor discovered the first vaccine by giving his son Cow Pox and exposed him to Small
Pox, as he hypothesized, the Cow Pox protected him from Small Pox.
-Vaccines give the body a taste of what a virus is like so the body knows how to defend against it.
-Every year a new Vaccine is needed for viruses with RNA as apposed to DNA

Fun Stuff:

That silly Anthony thought the iron lung was used for mountain climbing!

If you use heroin, be sure to use your own needle so you don't contract HIV!



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