from our UP packet. The Biome charts (pages 30-31
from or pink UP packet) were also checked in.
Next, we talked about population density.

population density: The size of the population within a particular unit of space.
For example, the picture to the right shows the population density of the United States.
We will be focussing on population density tomorrow while we do lab 58.
Note: If you have not already gotten the lab book, bring money tomorrow and buy it from the bookstore. We will be using it while we do the lab.
Next, we watched a video. It was a seven minute video on counting the population of plants and animals. While watching it, we learned how people find the average population of these things.
We will have to do a project on an alien invasive species. We will have to create a "most wanted" poster for a problem alien species. It should include:
- Common Name(s) and Scientific Names
- Description of organism, characteristic
- Color illustration of organism (8.5 x 11), detailed
- Origin: country or world region, Year it first arrived
- How/Why it was introduced
- Ecological Impacts
- Control methods

Some alien invasive species include:
Northeast: Green crab, gypsy moth, purple loosestrife, etc.
Southeast: Melaleuca, water hycinth, Chinese tallow, etc.
Midwest: Zebra mussel, rusty crayfish, sea lamprey, etc.
West: Scotch broom, Chinese mitten crab, goldfish, etc
Southeast: Fire ant, Africanized honey bee and tamarisk
websites for more information on these invasive species include:
In case you don't know what an invasive species is, it's a species that enters into new ecosystems and spreads, causing damage to native species and their habitats.
This project is due on 9/27, but you can turn it in on Tuesday (9/21) for one extra credit point.
For the last twenty minutes of class, we watched a video on lions and predators.
Note: On Monday, we will meet in the IMC. We were supposed to work the the invasive species project but we decided we'd rather work on the oil spill project.
Homework: Pages 43-48 in the pink UP packet are due tomorrow (9/17). Start working on the invasive species project which is due on 9/27, and you can also start working on the oil spill project which is due next Thursday (9/23).
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